This moderate looped walk is on minor roads, beaches and forest tracks. It takes in the historic and natural landscapes of one of the lesser trodden important villages in the Glens. The walk is suitable for everyone with an average level of fitness and has a total distance of 6km. Please note there will be uneven ground not suitable for those with mobility issues, however, some sections of the walk on minor roads would be suitable.
Cushendun (Cois, or Bun Abnainn Daoine - as Gaeilge) holds an iconic place in the history of the North Coast & Glens. As a small port, it is intimately connected with Scotland, and its waters give rise to many a tale and story of sea-faring. Geologically significant, the area was also a strong-hold of Shane 'The Proud' O'Neill and a significant Erenagh-territory granted to the Christian Church under Brehon Law.
The walk will start in the village and take in the caves and shore-line of Cois Abhainn Doinne, including Carra Castle, before exploring the forested land of Cregagh (Rocky place), the woodland Erenagh referred to above.
Registration begins at 1pm for walk commencing at 1.30pm. Max 25 spaces available. Accompanied children over 10 years can be accommodated, however the steepness of the walk should be noted by parents.
Parking and Toilet Facilities are available on-site at Cushendun Beach Car Park.
Waterproofs and hiking boots are required. Please bring a substantial snack and drink.
You will gather at The Village Tearooms at end of walk for an optional cup of tea or coffee (not included in ticket price).